We have previously looked at the embedding of other media on the web like, images, audio, vector graphics for better resolution and rescaling. We have also discussed embedding technologies like <iframes>. In this article, we will learn about the concept of responsive images that work well on devices with widely differing sizes, resolutions and other such features and look at what tools HTML provides to help implement them. This helps to improve performance and flexibility across different devices. Responsive images are just one part of the responsive design which is a future CSS topic for you to learn.
Before you start this article section, it is important that you have knowledge of HTML basics and adding static images to a html webpage. As for html tables, you will understand as the explanation goes on.
- Why responsive images?
- How do you create responsive images?
Let's examine a typical scenario. A typical website may contain a header image and some content images below the header. The header image will likely span the whole of the width of the header, and the content image will fit somewhere inside the content column. Here's a simple example:
This works well on a large screen device like a laptop or a desktop. We won't discuss much on css in this lesson, the only problem is that:
- The body content has been set to a maximum width of 1200 pixels — in viewports above that width, the body remains at 1200px and centers itself in the available space. In viewports below that width, the body will stay at 100% of the width of the viewport.
- The header image has been set so that its center always stays in the center of the header, no matter what width the heading is set at. If the site is being viewed on a narrower screen, the important detail in the center of the image (the people) can still be seen, and the excess is lost off either side. It is 200px high.
- The content images have been set so that if the body element becomes smaller than the image, the images start to shrink so that they always stay inside the body, rather than overflowing it.
However, issues arise when you start to view the site on a narrow screen device. The header below looks OK, but it's starting to take up a lot of the screen height for a mobile device. And at this size, it is difficult to see faces of the two people within the first content image.
An improvement would be to display a cropped version of the image which displays the important details of the image when the site is viewed on a narrow screen. A second cropped image could be displayed for a medium-width screen device, like a tablet. The general problem whereby you want to serve different cropped images in that way, for various layouts, is commonly known as the art direction problem.
This kind of problem didn't exist when the web first existed, in the early to mid 90s — back then the only devices in existence to browse the Web were desktops and laptops, so browser engineers and spec writers didn't even think to implement solutions. Responsive image technologies were implemented recently to solve the problems indicated above by letting you offer the browser several image files, either all showing the same thing but containing different numbers of pixels (resolution switching), or different images suitable for different space allocations (art direction).
In this section, we'll look at the two problems illustrated above and show how to solve them using HTML's responsive image features. You should note that we will be focusing on <img> elements for this section, as seen in the content area of the example above — the image in the site header is only for decoration, and therefore implemented using CSS background images. CSS has better tools for responsive deesign than HTML, and we'll talk about those in a future CSS module.
Resolution switching: Different sizes
So, what is the problem that we want to solve with resolution switching? We want to display identical image content, just larger or smaller depending on the device — this is the situation we have with the second content image in our example. The standard <img> element traditionally only lets you point the browser to a single source file:
<img src="elva-fairy-800w.jpg" alt="Elva dressed as a fairy" />
We can use two attribites, the srcset and sizes to provide adddtional source images along with hints to help the browser pick the right one. You can see an example of this on github.
srcset="elva-fairy-480w.jpg 480w, elva-fairy-800w.jpg 800w"
sizes="(max-width: 600px) 480px,
alt="Elva dressed as a fairy" />
The srcset and sizes attributes look complicated, but they're not too hard to understand if you format them as shown above, with a different part of the attribute value on each line. Each value contains a comma-separated list, and each part of those lists is made up of three sub-parts. Let's run through the contents of each now:
srcset defines the set of images we will allow the browser to choose between, and what size each image is. Each set of image information is separated from the previous one by a comma. For each one, we write:
- An image filename (elva-fairy-480w.jpg)
- A space
- The image's intrinsic width in pixels (480w) — note that this uses the w unit, not px as you might expect. An image's intrinsic size is its real size, which can be found by inspecting the image file on your computer (for example, on a Mac you can select the image in Finder and press Cmd + I to bring up the info screen).
sizes defines a set of media conditions (e.g. screen widths) and indicates what image size would be best to choose, when certain media conditions are true — these are the hints we talked about earlier. In this case, before each comma we write:
- A media condition ((max-width:600px)) — you'll learn more about these in the CSS topic, but for now let's just say that a media condition describes a possible state that the screen can be in. In this case, we are saying "when the viewport width is 600 pixels or less".
- A space
- The width of the slot the image will fill when the media condition is true (480px)
Now with all these attributes specified, the browser will do the following for responsiveness:
- Look at its device width.
- Work out which media condition in the sizes list is the first one to be true.
- Look at the slot size given to that media query.
- Load the image referenced in the srcset list that has the same size as the slot or, if there isn't one, the first image that is bigger than the chosen slot size.
And that's it! At this point, if a supporting browser with a viewport width of 480px loads the page, the (max-width: 600px) media condition will be true, and so the browser chooses the 480px slot. The elva-fairy-480w.jpg will be loaded, as its inherent width (480w) is closest to the slot size. The 800px picture is 128KB on disk, whereas the 480px version is only 63KB — a saving of 65KB. Now, imagine if this was a page that had many pictures on it. Using this technique could save mobile users a lot of bandwidth.
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